Text Editor
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Gotin-Edit is a text editor that provides basic editing functionality and features menus in English and Bulgarian. Gotin-Edit will allow users to open, edit, and save plain text files (.txt). Gotin-Edit will allow users to change the language of the user interface to English or Bulgarian. Users will also be able to edit text in both the English and Bulgarian language. Gotin-Edit will be programmed in the Java programming language and under the GPL license.

The Gotin-Edit tarball can be downloaded from the Gotin-Edit sourceforge project page: Unzip and compile and you will see the main screen of Gotin-Edit.

User Requirements

File Types: Gotin-Edit will work with plain text files.

Open Files
: Gotin-Edit will allow users to open plain text files.

Save Files: Gotin-Edit will allow users to save files in plain text.

Language Selection: The users can choose between the English and Bulgarian language.

Interface Language: Users can choose the language of the interface (the language of the menus).

Text Edit Language: Users can choose the language edit mode.

Source Code Indentation: This option will provide auto-indent functionality. If selected when users edit source code in one of the languages–C, C++ or Java–Gotin-Edit will make indentations automatically.

Copy – Gotin-Edit will allow users to copy text.

Cut – Gotin-Edit will allow users to cut text.

Paste – Gotin-Edit will allow users to paste text.

Project Design

GUI Design

Internal Design (4 Modules)

  1. Language Module: Will handle the language specific functionality of the editor.
  2. GUI Module: Will handle the GUI events
  3. Buffer Manipulation: responsible for handling the text edit data in the editor's buffer.
  4. Display: Will handle text display and formatting.

Gotin-Edit only allows basic editing functionality and features menus in English and Bulgarian. Gotiin-Edit allows users to:

Working With Gotin-Edit

New Text File: To create a new text file, go to the menu and click on File > New. This will create a new text file.
Open Text File: To open an existing text file, go to the menu and click on File > Open. This will open an existing text file.
Save Text File: To save a text file, go to the menu and click on File > Save. This will save the text file.
Save As Text File: To save as a text file, go to the menu and click on File > Save As. This will save as a text file.
Exit the Program: To exit the program, go to the menu and click on File > Exit. This will exit the program.

Editing Text Files

Cut Text: To cut text, highlight the text and go to the menu and click on Edit > Cut. This will cut the highlighted text.
Copy Text: To copy text, highlight the text and go to the menu and click on Edit > Copy. This will copy the highlighted text.
Paster Text: To paste text, go to the menu and click on Edit > Paste. This will paste the text.

Gotin-Edit supports both the English and Bulgarian language. Users can view the language of the interface and edit text in either English or Bulgarian.
  • To Change the Text of the User Interface: On the menu, click on Langauge > Interface and change to either English or Bulgarian.
  • To Change the Language of the Editor: On the menu, click on Langauge > Editor and change to either English or Bulgarian.

Help Menu

The help menu for Gotin-Edit can be found on the menu by clicking on Help > Index.

Gotin-Edit Text Editor