The Gotin-Edit tarball
can be downloaded from the Gotin-Edit sourceforge project page:
Unzip and compile and you will see the main screen of
Types: Gotin-Edit will work with
plain text files.
Open Files: Gotin-Edit will allow users to open plain text
Files: Gotin-Edit will allow users
to save files in plain text.
Selection: The users can
choose between the English and Bulgarian language.
Language: Users can choose
the language of the interface (the language of the menus).
Edit Language: Users can choose
the language edit mode.
Code Indentation: This option
will provide auto-indent functionality. If selected when users edit
source code in one of the languages–C, C++ or
Java–Gotin-Edit will make indentations automatically.
– Gotin-Edit will allow
users to copy text.
– Gotin-Edit will allow users
to cut text.
– Gotin-Edit will allow
users to paste text.
- Main Frame: This will be the main window of the editor. Every
other GUI component will be attached to the main frame.
- Text Area: Where the text being edited will be displayed.
- File Menu: Will have the Open, Save, and Close options.
- Language Menu: Will have two sub menus:
- Interface language- Will have the options:
- Text Edit Language- Will have the options:
Internal Design
(4 Modules)
- Language Module: Will handle the language specific
functionality of the editor.
- GUI Module: Will handle the GUI events
- Buffer Manipulation: responsible for handling the text edit
data in the editor's buffer.
- Display: Will handle text display and formatting.
Gotin-Edit only allows basic editing functionality and features
menus in English and Bulgarian. Gotiin-Edit allows users to:
- Create a new text file
- Open an exisiting text file
- Save a text file
- Save As a text file
- Cut, Copy, and Paste text
- Change the langauge of the user interface to English or
- Edit text in English or Bulgarian
With Gotin-Edit
Text File: To create a new text file, go to the menu and
click on File > New. This will create a new text file.
Open Text File: To open an
existing text file, go to the menu and click on File > Open.
This will open an existing text file.
Save Text File: To save a
text file, go to the menu and click on File > Save. This will
save the text file.
Save As Text File: To save
as a text file, go to the menu and click on File > Save As. This
will save as a text file.
Exit the Program: To exit
the program, go to the menu and click on File > Exit. This will
exit the program.
Editing Text
Cut Text: To cut text,
highlight the text and go to the menu and click on Edit > Cut.
This will cut the highlighted text.
Copy Text: To copy text,
highlight the text and go to the menu and click on Edit > Copy.
This will copy the highlighted text.
Paster Text: To paste text,
go to the menu and click on Edit > Paste. This will paste the

Gotin-Edit supports both the English
and Bulgarian language. Users can view the language of the
interface and edit text in either English or Bulgarian.
- To Change the Text of the User
Interface: On the menu, click on Langauge > Interface and
change to either English or Bulgarian.
- To Change the Language of the
Editor: On the menu, click on Langauge > Editor and
change to either English or Bulgarian.
Help Menu
The help menu for Gotin-Edit can be found on the menu by clicking
on Help > Index.
Text Editor